Industrial Health Care

Routine Health Care

Why is routine health care important?

Most individuals feel they only need to go to their doctor when they are ill. Although going to see a physician when you are ill is important, it is equally important to see them before you become ill.

Many diseases such as hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, and hypothyroid may not have any symptoms, therefore, you may not know you have it. By getting routine health care from us at Industrial Health Care, we are able to test for these problems along with others that you may be at risk for. Your health is our top priority.

Female Gynecological Exam

A cytology exam (pap smear) tests for cervical cancer and should be performed on women ages 21-65 every 3 years.

-U.S Preventative Task Force 2018

Screening Tests

What are screening tests?

Screening tests are used to diagnose a condition you may be at risk for depending on your age, gender, and/or family history, We are able to coordinate the screening tests, then explain them to you in full detail and help you to be the healthiest version of you. Below are some common screening tests we offer to you. 


What are immunizations?

Immunizations or vaccinations are typically injections of medications that help to protect you from a certain disease by helping your body make antibodies. These antibodies are able to fight off the disease if and when you may be exposed to it. Certain immunizations need to only be given once in your lifetime, like the vaccine for shingles; while others need to be given yearly like the influence vaccine or flu shot. Below are some common immunizations we offer to you.


A colonoscopy screens for colon cancer and should be done every 5-10 years starting at age 50.            -U.S Preventative Task Force

Bone Density (DEXA) Testing

A Dexa Scan screens for osteoporosis in women aged 65 or older. Once diagnosed, medications can be given to strengthen bone structure and decrease fracture risk.

-U.S Preventative Task Force 2018

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Test

A PSA blood test checks for a protein that is produced by the prostate. An elevated level may indicate a problem. When to check a PSA level can be discussed with us, but men aged 40 with a very high risk, men aged 45 with high risk, and men aged 50 at an average risk should be checked.

-American Cancer Society 2018

Influenza Vaccine

Commonly known as the flu shot, is provided once a year to protect you from the common flu strains for that particular flu season.

TDaP Vaccine

This vaccine provides protection from 3 different types of bacteria. Tetanus, which can occur after a punture wound with metal and can cause muscle spasms. Diptheria, a serious infection of the nose and throat. And Pertusis, also known as whooping cough.

Pediatric Vaccinations

We offer all of the pediatric vaccinations for your children based on their age and the pediatric immunization schedule provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).


Women at age 40 have the choice to start annual breast cancer screening.

-American Cancer Society 2018